
Tuesday, April 03, 2012

"Penitensya" (Public Penance)

It is a common sight in the Philippines every Holy Week a hooded-half naked men flogging their backs with whips embedded with thorns and glass shards. Penitensya or public penance  is tradition among Filipino Catholics. The appropriate term for this practice in Roman Catholicism is "mortification of the flesh".

Long ago, individuals engage in these rituals aim to atone for a particular sin, have their prayers granted or achieve a higher spiritual experience or vision.  Filipinos exercise their public penance vows in different ways. The most well known are self flagellation, the carrying of a heavy wooden cross or in some cases being actually crucified.

Here in Sta. Ana, children and even adults are very excited to watched penitensya  and pasang krus.

Six or seven years ago, I follow my brother and his group in performing their public penance. Their group consist of more than 10 persons. Their starting place is from Tawiran and will finished at Sadsaran Chapel in Sta. Ana, approximately 5 kilometers. They wear their hood and Nazereno inspired costumes and start walking barefooted at 3 pm while carrying a heavy wooden cross. For every Catholic chapel they pass by they kneel, pray and lie down in the ground and their company will start to strike them using a nipa "sasa" leaves, leather belt and rubber. They arrived in Sadsaran at almost 7 pm. It is really need a high stamina and faith for a person perform penance.

I don't see myself doing public penance, to carry a wooden cross, be crucified or wounding my back. Maybe because I don't believe that forgiveness of sins cannot be attain doing those rituals.  But I'm  not questioning their faith., that is their vows abd their way of asking forgiveness. If that is permitted by the Catholic faith so be it.

Here are some pictures I have taken this Holy Monday at Sadsaran Chapel, Sta. Ana, Bulakan at 7 pm.

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